Swamini Apoorvananda of Chinmaya Mission Kannur took final refuge at the feet of Pujya Gurudev this afternoon, November 23rd, 2018, at Trivandrum.



Swamini Apoorvananda of Chinmaya Mission Kannur took final refuge at the feet of Pujya Gurudev this afternoon, November 23rd, 2018, at Trivandrum.

Gayathri as she was known, was brought up as a Bala Vihar child. She met Pujya Gurudev, while still at school and joined the Vedanta training course immediately after her graduation. She studied at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Powai under the tutelage of Pujya Guruji, Swami Tejomayananda and received Sannyasa Diksha from him in 1997.

From 1991, first as Brahmacharni Maitri and later a Sannyasi, Swamini Apoorvananda served the Kannur centre in Kerala, where she spearheaded Mission activities and programmes. Geeta Jnana Yagnas, Study groups and Bala Vihar classes were a regular feature.

In connection with the centenary celebrations of Chinmaya Mission, Swamini Apoorvananda conducted mass Geeta Chanting in the Police Maidan, which inspired over 10,000 people to attend. Of special note are the classes she conducted for the inmates of the Central Jail in Kannur. Her deep commitment to this cause, helped transform several hearts.


Swamini Apoorvananda’s deep compassion for humanity and her unswerving devotion to the Guru Parampara will continue to inspire the thousands of lives she impacted.

Our respectful homage to Swamini Apoorvananda. My Pranams and respects to the Divine soul.......



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