Report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel - Part II : Actionable points for the WGEA : 2.6 Organized Industry
Opinion 01/12/2018 1578. SUB : Report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel - Part II : Actionable points for the WGEA : 2.6 Organized Industry REF : 2.6 Organized Industry 2.6 Organized Industry : The importance of the industrial sector in the Indian economy has risen over the years. The contribution of industries to the gross domestic product (GDP) has improved along with a rise in the share of employment in the secondary sector. The new economic policy with its package of globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation changed the entire scenario of the Indian industrial sector and a sharp rise in foreign investment is now being seen. The Western Ghat states are also coastal states, and as such have always attracted industries given the access to ports and water. In more recent times they have been important investment destinations. In the decade since 2000, their share of these st...