**"Report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel - Part I - 13. 3 Proposed guidelines/summary recommendations for sector-wise activities


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**"Report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel - Part I - 13. 3 Proposed guidelines/summary recommendations for sector-wise activities

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Sector : Forestry & Government lands -

ESZ1 ESZ2 ESZ3 from WGEA, SEA and DECs No

Forest clearance or stream diversion for new projects Run of the river schemes not allowed in first order or second order streams Promote small scale, micro and pico hydropower systems, that are people owned & managed and are off grid.

New small hydropower projects (10 MW and below) are permissible.

No new thermal power plants Strict environmental regulation of existing thermal power plants.

Existing thermal plants to actively promote alternate uses of fly ash - such as in road making in addition to the existing practices of manufacture of fly ash bricks.

No large scale wind power projects Promote biomass based /solar sources for decentralized energy needs.

No new dams above 15 m or new thermal plants permissible New hydro projects between 10- 25 MW (up to 10 m ht) permissible.

 All project categories subject to very strict clearance and compliance conditions through SEA and DECs of WGEA Have run off the river hydropower projects but after cumulative impact study of the river basin is done Regulated wind power projects but after cumulative environmental impact assessment (CEIA) Zero pollution to be required of existing Thermal Power Plants 2. carrying capacity studies 3. minimum forest clearance ( norms to be set by WGEA) 4. based on assessment of flows required for downstream needs including the ecological needs of the river Existing Power plants subject to strict regulation and social audit.

Zero pollution to be required for new thermal power plants.

Wind projects only after CEIA For already existing dams reservoir operations to be rescheduled for allowing more water downstream.

No diversion of streams/ rivers allowed for any power projects and if already existing, to be stopped immediately Catchment area treatment in a phased manner following watershed principles; continuous non-compliance of clearance conditions for three years would entail decommissioning of existing projects Dams and thermal projects that have crossed their viable life span (for dams the threshold is 30–50 years) to be decommissioned in phased manner;

All project categories to be jointly operated by LSGs and Power Boards with strict monitoring for compliance under DECs Transport;

No new railway lines and major roads, except where it is highly essential( as perhaps, in case of Goa), and subject to EIA, strict regulation and social audit.

Avoidance of new highways, expressways;

No new railway lines and major roads, except when highly essential and subject to EIA, strict regulation and social audit.

Upgradation of Essential new roads/ railways may be allowed subject to strict regulation and social audit.

To be continued ..



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