**"Report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel - Part I - 11. Existing ESZs: Lessons Learnt :-" 6. Continued


**"Report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel - Part I - 11.6. Existing ESZs: Lessons Learnt :-"Continued ...

*Box 9: A summary of feedback from citizens in Mahabaleshwar-Panchgani ESZ :-

Prepared by Madhav Gadgil as summarized by Suresh Pingale, a local strawberry and rose cultivator  :-

"The ESZ programme is designed and operates in a highly centralized fashion; there has been no involvement of citizens in making any pertinent decisions, on deciding on how the ecological objectives would be best served, and in day-to-day operation of the ESZ authority"

Many so-called illegal constructions targeted were temporary sheds or cowsheds. People who had refused to give bribes were victimized. At the same time, a hotel near the ST stand which had probably undertaken construction without permission, was spared. The whole proposal for the ESZ was developed and moved by Bombay-based people; there was essentially no involvement of local people, especially farmers and adivasis. Local people, including elected members on local bodies had no idea whatsoever of the intention behind the ESZ. There were rumors of the on-going process and people, e.g. Gavlis, Kolis, and Dhavad Muslims especially from remote hamlets, were afraid they were going to be ousted, and were exploited by the officials. Forest dwellers were alienated from their access to the forest, with negative consequences. At the same time, large scale constructions continued, especially by those with black money, such as smugglers, to set up hotels. Forest Officials neglected maintenance of access to tourist view points like Bombay Point.

"Citizens have little awareness about the purpose of the ESZ, what is expected to be achieved, and how the ESZ authority is supposed to function"

Barring some political leaders and a small educated class of year-long residents, the general public has no idea about the ESZ. They have a vague idea that an office in Bhopal, and another in Mumbai, is controlling affairs. Forest officials keep particularly aloof from local people. Even political leaders have no idea of possible projects of positive interest to local people from the ESZ programme.

"Broader considerations, e.g. stream conservation or restoration, promotion of organic farming, soil carbon sequestration, reducing use of agro-chemicals, promoting bridle paths are completely ignored."

The ESZ role seems to be restricted to regulation of construction and tree felling. As a nursery owner, Suresh Pingale wished to propagate and popularize indigenous species that do well locally. There was no response from officials to such a proposal.

"Citizens are not informed about the respective roles and authority of the HLMC and of bureaucracy; consequently they are misled, creating greater opportunities for corruption"

Even political leaders are unclear on their roles. The local leadership that is positively interested in maintaining ecology is encouraged in no way. They are treated as enemies. The revenue and forest officials are aligned to commercial interests and wealthier outsiders owning property in the locality.

"Citizens are not informed of and no attempt is made to implement Acts that would involve them actively in conservation efforts,e.g. Biological Diversity Act, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act and Community Forest Resources, Forest Rights Act"

Local leadership would be quite positively inclined to implement provisions of these acts, but are completely uninformed.

"Bureaucracy and political leadership continually try to push through projects favouring the construction and commercial tourism lobby"

Even today there is on-going conversion of Agricultural to Non-agricultural land involving corrupt practices.

"Citizens are harassed and substantial bribes collected, for simple building repairs, for minor construction, for digging wells"

Suresh Pingale’s own small bamboo pole shed shaded by a net to protect nursery plants was classified as an illegal construction but his shed was demolished long before a notice to this effect was served. This is routine occurrence. People complain that they have to pay a bribe of Rs 20,000 for permission to dig a bore well; for an open well even larger amounts are demanded. Farms on hilly lands may be split on two levels; levelling of land is then permitted only on payment of bribes.A bribe of at least Rs 1000–1500 from small farmers is demanded for a small extension of verandas.

* "Citizens are harassed by closure of roads to old villages in areas surrounded by forests in existence for a long time"

Previously jeepable roads, or those traversable by bullock carts are now made unusable by trenches dug by the Forest Department; these are allowed to be repaired on payment of bribes.

* "Villagers without sanctioned gaothans are particularly vulnerable to harassment"

While populations have grown, gaothan areas have remained static over the last 40 years. Due to natural growth in populations, new construction are needed but are not permissible. Under the land revenue code, a farmer is allowed to construct a farm house if he holds a minimum of one acre, whereas in the ESZ no such permission will be granted for landholdings of less than two acres. An estimated 80% of farmers own less than two acres of land and are denied permission to build causing great hardships. They are forced to dwell in very small huts in gaothans.

* "Rampant violations do go on, such as illegal construction, illegal tree felling, operations behind high corrugated iron sheet fences"

Allegedly 3000 trees were felled by Ramba Hotels Pvt Ltd. Currently a new extension to Brightland Hotel seems to be indulging in similar tree cutting. Allegedly there has been a clear case of illegal construction in Bhose village. As of today, at least in 4 large plots in Mahableshwar, construction along with suspected tree felling is going on behind the shelter of high corrugated iron sheets.

*Other suggestions :-

It is imperative that we involve local people, promote proper public awareness. The ESZ programme should also provide positive opportunities. Strong and authoritative handling by the bureaucracy, forest and revenue officials has strangely resulted in degradation of the socio-ecological balance of the area, as this attitude discourages voluntary participation of villagers, farmers and adivasis who live here. Fortunately these people, especially the educated youth and enlightened leadership, have realized that their lot will be much better if they preserve and enhance biodiversity. Instead of taking of confrontationist postures, if government officials encourage participation of people, their creative, positive energy and participatory work will certainly play an important role in achieving sound ecological objectives.

With these aims in mind, care should be taken towards creation of employment opportunities. Agriculture would provide great scope in this direction. Organic farming, specialty fruit cultivation, such as all berries, kiwi etc should be encouraged with technical inputs, marketing facilities and related assistance. Preservation, packaging and processing of agri-products would add substantially to the incomes of farmers. In this direction agri-, eco- and health- tourism, jungle trekking etc may generate further employment opportunities.
Education, promotion of local/ adivasi arts and crafts would provide honourable livelihoods to the poor. An institute for this purpose should be established. About 200 magicians/madaris from Ghorpadi, a village near Pune visit and perform for tourists in Mahabaleshwar/Panchgani making good earnings. On similar lines local youths be trained for performing arts such as songs, music etc.

Gram Sabhas in small forest hamlets should be especially made aware of provisions like Forest Rights Act.

Next :- **"Report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel - Part I - 12. Buffering Protected Areas : 1. To be continued ..


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