
Sub :-
(Sri Swami Sivananda)

Ref :-
1. Asuric janmams all over Bharatham, bring bad name to this Holy Nation, by their indecent behaviour, and violance against women, and girls;

2. State governments, and people in general in slumber, shameless creatures, pretend, not aware;

3. All chief ministers especially non-BJP governments day in and out spend time in abusing PM and the Center;

4. PM has no direct responsibility in state's law and order situations;

5. So Rod is needed to states and Chief ministers, not PM and the Center,

6. India is now the most dangerous country in the world for women -  poll by the Thomson Reuters Foundation. No one from the states raised voice against this black mark, as this report not affecting them, real jokers ...

7. Are these fools not Indians ? I doubt, these shameless creatures are represented by political parties or language prides or some foolish separatist mind sets !

8. Kick these buggers, feel ashamed being Indians rather than narrow-mindsets calling themselves as bengalis, punjabis, tamils, telugu-s, kannadigas hindiwalas, and so on ...

9. Bharatham should awake from slumber, and react, isolate the demons, do not protect them, bring them before justice ..

10. Best example, in Kerala the actor Dilip who is accused in  molestation case of co-artist, and the shameless super stars re-admited him in their star organization amma, a stupid bunch lead by idiotic super stars; ask these buggers what they call their mothers? is it not AMMA !!!!

Since the dawn of civilisation, when the primitive man lived in a matriarchal society, the worship of the Divine Mother came into practice. Later on, as civilisation progressed, the matriarchal pattern gradually faded out, and the father became the head of the family unit, where he was treated as the man in authority and to whom everyone looked for guidance and approval. Consequently, there was a change in the concept of God as such; the Fatherhood of God was established. But Mother worship persisted simultaneously, since this concept was psychologically more appealing to the devotee, the mother being nearest in filial affection to the child. Subsequently, a synthetic harmony between the Motherhood and Fatherhood of God was developed by the Hindu religion; the people worshipped Sita and Rama, or Radha and Krishna together.

The concept of the human mind is based on relative experience. Subjective idealism, therefore, in its initial stages, takes the aid of objective and relative analogies. God is neither limited to abstract or concrete concepts. But it is easier to establish a conscious relationship with the Providence in terms of benevolent fatherhood or affectionate, kindly motherhood than by the concept of an unfathomable void. God is devoid of qualities, in reality, but a relative superimposition of the positive ideals of goodness and virtue is essential for self-culture and spiritual progress of the aspirant.

Mother is very kind to her child. You are more free with your mother than with anybody else. It is the mother who protects you, nourishes you, consoles you, cheers you and nurses you. She is your first preceptor. She sacrifices her all for the sake of her children. In the spiritual field also, the aspirant has very intimate relationship with the Divine Mother.

The Upasana or the worship of the Universal Mother leads to the attainment of knowledge of the Self. The Yaksha Prasna in Kenopanishad supports this view. Approach Her with an open heart. Lay bare your mind with frankness and humility. Lay your thoughts be pure and sublime. Become as simple as a child. Pulverise your individual entity, the egoistic nature, cunningness, selfishness and crookedness. Make a total, unreserved, ungrudging self-surrender to Her. Chant Her Mantras. Worship Her with faith and devotion.

Navaratri is the most suitable occasion for doing intense Sadhana. These nine days are very sacred to Mother. Plunge yourself in Her worship. It is an occasion symbolising the victory of the higher, divine forces over the lower, negative qualities that find their expression in injustice, oppression, aggrandisement, greed, selfishness, hatred and a host of other undivine forces that add to the suffering of man.

Worship the Mother in all Her manifestations. She is the creative aspect of the Absolute. She is symbolised as Cosmic Energy. Energy is the physical ultimate of all forms of matter and the sustaining force of the Spirit. Energy and Spirit are inseparable. They are essentially one. The five elements and their combinations are the external manifestations of the Mother. Intelligence, discrimination, psychic power and will are Her internal manifestations. Humanity is Her visible form. Service of humanity is, therefore, the worship of the Divine Mother.

Feel that the Mother sees through your eyes, hears through your ears, and works through your hands. Feel that the body, mind, Prana, intellect and all their functions are Her manifestations. The one, universal life throbs in the heart of all. How can there be any room for hatred and selfishness, when by hating another you are but hating the Mother, when by being selfish to another you are but denying your own self. Drive deep this consciousness within your heart. Always meditate and practise this ideal of divine oneness.

Mother’s grace is boundless. Her mercy is illimitable. She is pleased with a little purity of heart. The sacred Navaratri is approaching. Do not lose this glorious opportunity. Make a definite and sincere attempt to obtain the grace Of the Mother. She will transform your entire life, and bless you with the milk of divine wisdom, spiritual insight and Kaivalya!

May you all obtain the grace of Mother Durga!

Lack of truthfulness creates havoc, not only in the lives of others but in our own life. To be untruthful is to create more ramifications of the mind, more situations for the mind to deal with. When you are dealing with the truth, you are always dealing with one. The truth is always one and the same. But when you’re dealing with activities that are not truthful, you are dealing with many situations. So let us always practice truthfulness.

The full development of men and boys is inextricably linked to the advancement of women. A society characterized by gender equality serves the interests of both sexes. It enables men and women to develop in a more balanced and multifaceted way and to discard the rigid role stereotypes so crucial to shifting family dynamics, and to accord women full access to the world of work. It also enables both sexes to recognize each others' needs, building an awareness vital to the resolution of issues associated with women's health. It also enables the replacement of unequal relationships and tendencies toward domination and aggression with genuine partnerships between the sexes characterized by collaboration and the sharing of resources and decision-making.



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