#Ancient Culture ( Samskaram ) of Bharatham-2.1 : Swami Krishnananda



#OPINION : 04/01/2020 : 2013.
#Chapteer-2. The Evolution of Culture(SAMSKARAM)-1.



To recapitulate, I mentioned that a qualified, educated person may not be up to the mark in culture, because the human individual encounters the world as an object of perception and activity. There is a kind of irreconcilability seen between the subjective side and the objective side. The world does not always behave as we would like it to behave, and we also do not always behave in the manner in which the world is behaving. , do not always seem to be going hand in hand with our whims and fancies, our requirements, our needs or our outlook of life. The world has its own way, as we have been seeing, and we do not feel competent enough to put ourselves in a state of harmony with the ways of the working of nature and human society. This is a kind of conflict that we have been noticing.

When we started contemplating on the meaning of culture, we found it necessary to define the basic features of culture. Culture is a kind of refinement of personality, and in this refined position that the personality assumes, the human individual to an extent rises above the limitations of his or her iNature and human society, which are the objective side of our experiencendividuality so that the conflict apparently seen between the individual and the world is diminished to a large extent. The more you are an individual by yourself, the more is the chance of your conflict with the world outside. Your assertion of your personality and individuality comes in conflict with the assertion of the world, which also maintains its own personality, we may say. So either the world has to rise to the level of your way of thinking or you have to rise to the level of the world’s way of thinking.

Somehow it has been observed that we are not outside the world; we are part and parcel of nature, as well as human society. I am only repeating briefly what I told you yesterday. We are, on the one hand, physically part of nature. Anatomically and physiologically the same earth, water, fire, air and ether are constituting our physical bodies. We are inseparable from nature on the one hand, and on the other hand we are also inseparable from human society, because every person is a unit of human society. So whether you look at the whole circumstance from the point of view of nature or from the point of view of human society, you cannot stand outside either of them. Therefore, it is incumbent on the part of an individual to bend a little and burnish one’s personality by scrubbing the ego a little bit, and lessen the self-assertive instinct by which one rises above the limiting conditions of individuality. Limiting conditions of individuality are nothing but the ways of the working of the human ego.





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