#Ancient Culture ( Samskaram ) of Bharatham-2.7 : Swami Krishnananda


#OPINION : 27/01/2020 : 2035
##Chapter 2: The Evolution of Culture (SAMSKARAM)-7.

#The Rigveda Samhita is a great wonder. As a scripture it is a wonder, as a book of prayer it is a wonder, as a poem it is a wonder, and as a mystical guide to understand life as a whole also it is a wonder. The Vedas are said to have been edited by a great Master called Krishna Dvaipayana Veda Vyasa.

##It appears that one day students went to the great master and said, “Please teach us Vedas.”

###And the answer was ananta vai veda?: Infinite is the Veda. It was not easy to explain the meaning of the Veda because its profundity is infinite.

Experience, whatever the experience be, has many phases of ascent. An experience can be purely subjective from your own point of view, an experience can be purely objective from the point of view of the world outside, and an experience can be supernatural from the point of view of a connecting link that is there between the subject and the object.

The connecting link arises because of the fact that you cannot know the world at all unless there is a medium of connection between you and the world. You are aware that the world is there because there is some link connecting you with the world. The world has not entered your eyes. For instance, the mountain is far away.

The knowledge of the fact that there is a mountain in front of you arises not because the mountain has entered your eyes, and not because you have gone and hit your head against the mountain. It arises because there is an invisible link between you and the world. It is invisible; the whole point is that. If this invisibility had not been there, if the link between you and the object were visible, there would have been a tremendous transformation of your personality.

You would not have been a human being afterwards. Fortunately or unfortunately, this link has been kept a secret by the Creator of the world, and no one knows what is there between you and me. If this is known, neither I will be what I am, nor you will be what you are. That is a different subject.

#So experience can be subjective, it can be objective, and it can be something beyond the subject and the object, which we call transcendental.

##Therefore, the Vedas can be studied from various points of view as an adhyatma vidya, or the subjective science of spirit; as an adhibhautika vidya, or the objective science of the world; as a divya or adhidaivika vidya, or a science of the gods superintending over the whole of creation; or as a karma vidya, or the action that you perform in this world.

###It also deals with the way in which you have to live in this world by performing action.

*Adhiyajna is the name that is given to this aspect of Veda.

*The adhyatma is the science of the inner spirit.

*The adhibhuta is the science of the objective world.

*The adhidaiva is the science of the gods in heaven.

*The adhiyajna is the science of action in the world.

#*And adhidharma is another thing, the manner in which you can righteously live in this world.

##These are Sanskrit words; it is better you note them down. Adhyatma is the science of the subjective spirit, adhibhuta is the science of the objective universe, adhidaiva is the science of the celestials in heaven, the gods, adhiyajna is the science of action in the world, the performance of action, and adhidharma is the science of righteousness.

#The Vedas, therefore, are difficult to understand.

##They cannot be easily translated because most of the English translations or Hindi translations, and so on, are translations from purely the linguistic and grammatical meanings, but the profundities are not given.

###We will continue this next time.

NEXT - The Vedas – the Foundation of Indian Culture (Bharatiya Samskaram )





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