#Ancient Culture ( Samskaram ) of Bharatham-2.4 : Swami Krishnananda


#National Bird – Indian Peafowl
##Indian Peacock or Indian Peafowl is the national bird of India, best known for long feathers and Peacock Dance before rain. The bird is found in the drier lowland areas and a resident breeder across the Indian subcontinent.

#National Flag – Tiranga
##Tiranga also called Tricolour is the national flag of India, has three colours saffron at top which signifies sacrifice and patriotism, middle is white stands for truth with Ashoka Chakra in the middle of the white is a blue wheel, at bottom green for life and prosperity.

#OPINION : 16/01/2020 : 2028.
##Chapter 2: The Evolution of Culture (SAMSKARAM)-4.

#National River – Ganges
##Ganges river is the national river of India and the most sacred river to Hindus. The Ganges is also the longest river in India and home to endangered Ganges river dolphins.

Human society developed as a further stage in the course of history, where group culture arose as a development superior to the purely individualistic and personal animal-like life. Mutual cooperation was found to be a necessity for the survival of everybody. I support you and you support me, and if you have any difficulty I help you, and if I have any difficulty you help me. What you lack I give to you, and what I lack you give to me. This is cooperation. Human society arose on account of the necessity felt by individuals to have a cooperative system for the sake of survival itself because no person is complete in himself. Everyone is terribly finite.

Everyone lacks immensely something or the other. This lacuna, this lack, this need, this finitude is attempted to be made good by the cooperative spirit maintained by a large number of people, and you have a community; and this community behaves in a particular way for their mutual welfare, for their good. This is a primitive culture in the sense that it is a basic instinct of survival, extending itself to the other people also in the community. The community culture requires that everybody should survive. Perhaps in a purely individual state of affairs it was like animals roaming in the forest, and the question of social culture did not arise.

#National Flower – Indian Lotus
##Indian Lotus is the most beautiful species of aquatic plant,commonly cultivated in water gardens. This aquatic plant occupies a unique position in the art and mythology of ancient India.

Now, there can be a group culture, a community culture like a tribal one, and yet it may not be up to the mark from the point of view of what is called human nature. We have to define human nature in a proper way. I mentioned it yesterday briefly. A human being is one who is in a position to recognise the same humanity in another person also.

#The great dictum, which India’s culture placed before us in this respect, is in a Sanskrit passage :

"You would not mete out to another what you would not like to be meted to yourself. That is to say, you would not behave in respect of another person in a manner which you would not like to be meted out to you by another."

#National Reptile – King Cobra
##King Cobra is selected as the National reptile of India, The species is endemic to India and Southeast Asia. It is the sole member of its own genus and world’s longest venomous snake with a maximum length of 18.8 ft.
#National Fruit – Mango
##Mango is the national fruit of India,cultivated mostly for edible fruit. India is home to more than 100 varieties of the Mango fruits,found in nature as well as in the wild forest.

Culture starts from this recognition of it being imperative to behave and conduct oneself in respect of others only as one would expect others to behave with oneself. If you are hungry, you must know that others also can be hungry. If you are thirsty, you must know that others also can be equally thirsty. If you are exhausted, you must know that others also can be exhausted. If you would like to live long, you must know that others also would like to live long. And if you do not want to die, others also would not like to die.

#If that is the case, how would you behave with others?

You will adjust yourself in society in such a manner that you will give the same concession and the same freedom to other people as you are trying to give to your own self.

#Do you know how much freedom you want?

#Are you not exercising freedom?

Yet a lot of concession is given by each one to one’s own self. You would be very miserly in giving concession to other people. You would be very strict on others, but very liberal on your own self. To the extent you are liberal to yourself, to that extent you must be liberal to others also, and if you find it is necessary to put a limitation on one personality, it will be equally applicable to others also. It does not mean that you can control others and you do not want to be controlled, that all limitations are for others only, and for you no limitations.

#National Animal – Bengal Tiger
##Royal Bengal Tiger is the national animal of India and rank among the biggest cats in the world. India is home to largest numbder of Bengal tigers and the estimated populations of Bengal tiger in India increased to 3,890 individuals.

#National Currency – Indian Rupee
##Indian Rupee is the official currency of the Republic of India and controlled by the Reserve Bank of India. The new symbol was officially adopted in 2010 and started in circulation on 8 July 2011.


Culture as a human requirement rises to the status of a freedom that is granted equally to all people, and culture becomes a harmonising principal operating among a group of people; that group may be a little community or it may be a country, a nation.

#There is national culture.

The Indian nation has an Indian culture, a European nation has a European culture, etc.

The difference in cultures of nationalities arises on account of various factors such as geographical location, inherited tradition, and the needs of people under the conditions they are placed. These are some of the factors, among many others, that define the difference among cultures.

#National Heritage Animal – Indian Elephant
##Indian Elephant has been declared as National Heritage animal of India,native to mainland Asia. The Indian elephant has been listed as endangered and threatened by habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation.



#National Tree – Indian Banyan
##Indian Banyan is the national tree of India and native to the Indian Subcontinent only. Banyan tree is among the largest trees in the world, Thimmamma Marrimanu located in Andhra Pradesh is the largest tree specimen in the world.


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