#Ancient Culture( Samskaram ) of Bharatham-1.4 : Swami Krishnananda



#OPINION : 19/12/2019 : 1993.
Chapter 1: The Definition of Culture ( Samskaram ) - 4.



In youth, when we are little boys and girls, budding adolescents, we are not quite acquainted either with the components of our inner psychological world or with the world outside. Even our own ways of thinking are new to us. Young boys and girls are not good psychologists. They are mostly carried away by instincts, emotions, and a kind of enthusiasm which spurts up not by the application of reason but by a combination of instinct and emotion. That is why young people are difficult to control.

They do not want any kind of discipline because discipline is a rational application of certain principles, and rationality is set aside to a large extent when instinct and emotion become predominant. Students in schools and colleges are turbulent and very disobedient, and are not always subject to the rules and conduct of study or education because of rationality not yet having manifested itself properly into a state of maturity in them, and the natural instincts and emotions taking an upper hand.

But you will not be always a student. As you progress and have a better experience of the world, something will tell you that this kind of life is not fully satisfying. It is something like a drudgery which you have been passing through. There is some problem every day with you, and with others also. Something is not at all satisfying.

Something should be satisfying, but nothing in the world is going to be satisfying. You cannot complain against anything unless you have a solution for it. You have an idea that things should be like this; therefore, you say these things are not all right. So when you do not feel satisfied with your own self or the world outside is it because there is something you have placed before yourself as a standard, in comparison with which you complain against the world or against your own self. You have set a standard.

That standard cannot be yourself because you are dissatisfied with yourself. That standard also cannot be the world outside, because that also is not satisfying. You have got a peculiar nebulous unarticulated ideal which seems to be calling you and telling you that it exists. This is the third way of looking; that is what is called ‘looking above’. Looking within, looking without and looking above, these are the three ways of looking by the mind of a human individual.

To be continued ....


IN The history of Bharatiya Samskaram  we find even in the Rig Veda, the oldest of scriptures, the Indian mind experiencing the intimation of something divine and immortal within itself. The inward search of man gathers volume and power in the Upanishads. The Upanishads seek to realize the transcendental dimension of man-the dimension of Divinity transcending humanity.

In this spiritual direction human awareness goes beyond the body, the sense and the surrounding world : man realizes himself as the immortal Self. Coming in the wake of the Upanishads, the Srimad Bhagavad Gita works out a complete philosophy of life, reconciling the sacred and the secular, work and worship.

The spirituality that proceeds from the Vedas and the Upanishads, and reinforced by Sri Krishna,
Ancient Rishi-s, Great Acharya-s Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Sri Ramanujacharya, Sri Madhvacharya and many others, is glorified  into universality by Acharya like Swami Vivekananda, Swami Sivananda, Swami Chinmayananda, Swami Krishnananda, Swami Chidananda, Swami Tejomayananda and so on. They  introduced  religion with the power to illumine and guide humanity as a whole.




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