Ancient Culture( Samskaram ) of Bharatham-1.1 : Swami Krishnananda


#OPINION : 11/12/2019 : 1984.
Chapter 1: The Definition of Culture ( Samskaram ) -1.

According to history, Bharatham has always been considered as the repository of the earliest of cultures. Cultures are there in every country, but Indian culture is said to be the most ancient, historically speaking.

#So there is some point in trying to go a little deep into this ancient circumstance that gave rise to a kind of culture which we call Indian culture ( Bharatiya Samskaram ).

The word ‘culture’ is something which requires to be defined in an adequate manner. It is a process of purification. Culturing a thing implies analysis and purification. Indian culture or any culture – human culture, so to say – is the theme connected with the efflorescence, the development, the onward progress, the extent to which perfection has been attained by a group of people or an individual, to what extent there has been purification of the inner nature.

Culture is connected with the inner life of a person, and whatever the inner life of a person is will decide the outer behaviour of the person because you cannot conduct yourself outwardly in a manner different from what you are inside. The way in which you speak to people, your physical gestures, your demeanour, your deportment, and your social concourse with people outside will be a manifestation of what you are within. In your social relations, which are culturally oriented, you express outwardly what you are inside.

#So the culture of a people, the culture of a nation, the culture of a country is the cumulative product, so to say, of the culture of the individuals constituting that particular nation or country, broadly speaking.

It does not mean that every individual thinks identically with another person. Every individual has his own or her own pattern of the general outlook of life, independently taken. Yet, apart from there being a difference in the minor details of the outlook of life by individuals, there is a general consensus of opinion, a broad-based outlook which decides a community, a large group of people, and so apart from individual differences which are practically negligible, we may say, there is a general consciousness which brings people together into a nationality, into a cultural background – that is to say, into a general outlook of life.

#Samskaram ( Culture ), therefore, is a product of a general outlook of life.

What do you think about yourself?

What do you think of other people around you?

What do you think about this world into which you were born?

What is your general idea about things, the world and the individual included?

#Your reaction to the outer atmosphere of the world and people outside is your culture. You react in a particular manner in respect of conditions prevailing outside. Your reaction will show what kind of culture it is that you are endowed with, or that you are born into.

To be continued ....



 IN The history of Bharatiya Samskaram  we find even in the Rig Veda, the oldest of scriptures, the Indian mind experiencing the intimation of something divine and immortal within itself. The inward search of man gathers volume and power in the Upanishads. The Upanishads seek to realize the transcendental dimension of man-the dimension of Divinity transcending humanity.

In this spiritual direction human awareness goes beyond the body, the sense and the surrounding world : man realizes himself as the immortal Self. Coming in the wake of the Upanishads, the Srimad Bhagavad Gita works out a complete philosophy of life, reconciling the sacred and the secular, work and worship.

The spirituality that proceeds from the Vedas and the Upanishads, and reinforced by Sri Krishna, 
Ancient Rishi-s, Great Acharya-s Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Sri Ramanujacharya, Sri Madhvacharya and many others, is glorified  into universality by Acharya like Swami Vivekananda, Swami Sivananda, Swami Chinmayananda, Swami Krishnananda, Swami Chidananda, Swami Tejomayananda and so on. They  introduced  religion with the power to illumine and guide humanity as a whole.





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