Is India a role model for the world? | Independence Day Special Episode | Karolina Goswami

 *Karolina Goswami with her parents.





OPINION : 17/08/2019 : 1891.

================================================ Karolina Goswami : India in details


My name is Karolina Goswami. I am not an Indian.

I am a Polish girl who comes from the Southeast part of Poland. I have traveled a lot around Europe in my life. India was the first country that I visited in Asia. I came to India around 2 years ago with my fiancée who later became my husband. He is an Indian national who is a furniture designer and his name is Anurag Goswami.

*Anurag Goswami. and  Karolina Goswami.


I am not biased. I am a typical European girl who never even tried Indian food a few years ago. Earlier in my life, I had never even dreamt of visiting India, but life is full of surprises. I fell in love with an Indian man who never wanted to live outside his country. So I visited India for the first time in 2014. It was not love at the first sight but every day I was discovering Indian reality that I have never been aware of and slowly I started to enjoy life in this country which is full-of-contrast. India has changed me and exposed me to a totally out of the ordinary world. The world where everything began.

I needed months to understand this country and feel here like I am at home. But I was not alone there. My husband was always there for me when I needed more information and I was curious about so many unusual (for me) things. After spending a few months there I realized that people in Europe are not aware of the beauty of this country and most of them were biased because of media. All the time I was facing one question: “Do you feel safe in India? Men are rapists there and for sure you, as a white skin blond hair girl, are much more in danger.” People fail to understand that in a country which is like a continent itself any kind of event can happen. What was more shocking to me is that so many people were criticizing this country even though they have never visited it. The streets were dirty and unsafe, people unfriendly… information that they were giving were trumped up and were not based on facts and proper research. That is why I decided to dig really deep and get to know the real truth about this country and this is exactly what my blog is all about. 

I am not biased. I want to give you the truth about the place that I live in, about the place that my future children will call their motherland. I will not praise India. This is not a paradise. I will give the information that you need to understand this country, this society, these people. I will tell you why we all should thank India for what they gave us. I will explain to you why we have so many things in common with today’s India. There are many things that I don’t like about India and trust me I will share this with you. But remember my posts will always be based on facts, information and data.

In my life I have never been just a believer. I am a seeker and this attribute of mine remained the same even when I left my home country to discover the world. In my quest for truth-seeking, I learned and gained knowledge during my amazing experiences. And all I can say is, a person who is interested in only the truth or in other words a real truth-seeker will always find ways to access it. And I have always been able to find my ways.





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