Inside a country, the belief of a government becomes only when its majority believe in it. Belief in India is considered important in many ways. The reason for the break of this belief was that the Congress, which came to winning more than 400 seats, is not in the position to sit as leader of the opposition at this time. What has Narendra Narendra Modi doing and what he does not do for the majority, the answer is a bigger figure of 303 seats. Still, there is a doubt in mind that what Narendra Modi did for Hindus.

Did the Modi government's scholarship scheme ignore the Hindus?

OPINION : 18/06/2019 : 1829.


Sub : Inside a country, the belief of a government becomes only when its majority believe in it. Belief in India is considered important in many ways. The reason for the break of this belief was that the Congress, which came to winning more than 400 seats, is not in the position to sit as leader of the opposition at this time. What has Narendra Narendra Modi doing and what he does not do for the majority, the answer is a bigger figure of 303 seats. Still, there is a doubt in mind that what Narendra Modi did for Hindus.

Ref : Did the Modi government's scholarship scheme ignore the Hindus? : by IRC-ADMIN - Jun 14 2019 10:40 AM


Inside a country, the belief of a government becomes only when its majority believe in it. Belief in India is considered important in many ways. The reason for the break of this belief was that the Congress, which came to winning more than 400 seats, is not in the position to sit as leader of the opposition at this time. What has Narendra Narendra Modi doing and what he does not do for the majority, the answer is a bigger figure of 303 seats. Still, there is a doubt in mind that what Narendra Modi did for Hindus.

In the year 2018-19, the Ministry of Labor and Employment gave 74.8 percent scholarship to the Hindus. If this data is taken out then it will come to know that scholarship of about Rs 35 crores was given to Hindus alone. It was here that 24.7 percent of scholarship was found by Muslims. Still, efforts to tell Modi's spread of scholarship to Muslims are not over.

Let's just once again see what Modi has done for the Hindus. 

◆ In the year 2018-19, 90.8 percent of the scholars from the Higher Education Department of Hindus received. That is, 74.43 crores was spent on the Hindus only. In this, the Muslims had only 5.5 percent.

◆ In the year 2017-18, 92 percent Hindus have received scholarship from the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. Its exact figure stands at 92.7 percent. 7.3 percent of the rest of the Buddhists found In this year, 7 crore Hindus have received from 8 crore scholarships distributed. Jain at 1 percent; Sikh 1.1 percent; Christians up 3.4 percent; Muslims are sitting at 3.2 percent.

◆ Once upon a time, the scholarship of the railway board is also seen. Hindus received only 91 percent of the scholarship given by the Railway Board in 2018-19. In it, 6.3 percent of Muslims and 1.7 percent of Christians came.

◆ In the year 2018-2019, the Ministry of Labor and Employment gave 74.8% scholarship to the Hindus. In which 35 million scholarships were distributed to the Hindus only.

◆ In the year 2018 -2019, 92% scholarship given to the Ministry of Home Affairs was given to the Hindus. In the same year, the Ministry issued 8 crore rupees in scholarship items, 7 crore rupees were distributed to the Hindus.


Now, if you add it, then the complete mathematics will come up to hundreds of millions of rupees. Even after doing so, the question always arises within our country that after all what Modi has done for the Hindus. The same thing is beyond understanding. In a way, the ghost that has "done what we have" here comes once every 6 months. One truth has to be acknowledged to the society that a large part of the country's population is also of Muslims. It is the duty of the government to arrange for three education divisions as well as their education. Otherwise, what is happening in Kashmir and happening, every kind of emotion will increase in other parts.

For the Hindus, the Narendra Modi government has made every possible effort to get a better place for Hindus in the field of education. Apart from schemes like Ujjawala, improving the quality of life of the poor, this government has worked to give the Hindus of the middle class a better place in education level.

■ Why this question arises?

Within this country, this question arises repeatedly because in some places we have a sense of insecurity. It can also be understood as a sense of insecurity, because it looks like what happened in some areas of the country and especially Kashmiri Pandits. Yet we must trust our government. The government that we have chosen with such expectations. One of the reasons behind such a feeling of being born is that the negativity forces in the country are putting their full emphasis at this time. Because of this negativity, he fought elections, but ours and your unity turned their heads back on. Well, at this time the mismatching coalitions are broken. But the coalition of their self-interest is still not broken.

■ Revival time of Muslim society: 

In this country efforts were made by the previous governments to make many changes within the religion of the Hindus. But Islam was not touched because it was his vote bank. The creeds are in every religion. You can not give a gift to any religion by saying that it is your vote bank. Laws like three divorce are an attempt to eliminate those same evils. The Constitution should be kept in the forefront of the country.

■ IRC analysis:

Moving the faith of the majority of this country is not difficult. The majority of the people of this country also know this. But for so many years such as oppression and their beliefs have been conceptual traumas, since then the awakened Hindus are now trying to give the leftist "Anesthesia" to the doubted doubters. This government is yours and when someone did not raise your rights then only those people who fought for you. Bengal is a big example this time. Suspicion in this situation is not good for future India.








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