Report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel - Part II : Actionable points for the WGEA : 3. Towards Multi-centred Governance in the Western Ghats : FAO put the objectives succinctly : Strategies and Action Plan


Sub : - Report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel - Part II : Actionable points for the WGEA : 3. Towards Multi-centred Governance in the Western Ghats : FAO put the objectives succinctly : Strategies and Action Plan

Ref : FAO put the objectives succinctly : Strategies and Action Plan

"Organic agriculture improves food access by increasing productivity, diversity and conservation of natural resources, by raising incomes and by reducing risks for farmers. Improvement also results from sharing of knowledge among farmers. These benefits lead to poverty reduction and a reversal of rural outward migration. Policy requirements to improve food access include: increasing farmers’ rights to seeds, local varieties and biodiversity; expanding fair-trade systems along the full value chain; evaluating current emergency aid and procurement programmes; and strengthening the rights of indigenous farmers".

Strategies and Action Plan

General approach: The mission to convert Kerala into an organic State is to be achieved focusing on potential crops and areas in a phased and compact manner with the aim of converting a minimum of 10% of the cultivable land into entirely organic every year and thus achieving the target within five to ten years. On completion of the third year of implementation of the organic farming policy, a Committee of experts comprising representatives of farmers and scientists should make a comprehensive assessment of the farmer’s well being, economy and environment, and only after rectifying the drawbacks, if any, can the policy be implemented in the rest of the areas.

Definition of organic farmer

A farmer may be defined as an 'Organic Farmer' provided he/she adheres to and practices the following three essentialities of organic farming.
1. a farmer who practices mixed farming including food crops
2. a farmer who ensures the conservation of soil and water
3. a farmer who conserves the biodiversity of the farmland

Strategy 1
Ensure seed sovereignty of the farmers and the State

1.1 Establish seed villages exclusively for organic farming.
1.1 (a) Begin programmes for the production of seeds, seedlings, planting materials and, traditional animal breeds at the Panchayat level, so as to become self-sufficient in the availability of good quality local seeds, both indigenous and breeder seeds developed by the KAU and other institutions of agricultural research.
1.1(b) Begin at the farmers’ group levels, seed banks and seed cooperatives to produce, store, share and supply good quality seeds, including those which are traditional and location specific.
1.1(c) Promote farmers who can produce organically, good quality seeds and develop participatory seed production programmes along with the KAU and other institutions of agricultural research.
1.1(d) Develop storage facilities/protection measures using traditional methods
1.2 Ensure maintenance of traceability chain mandatory at the Local Self Government Institution level by the Biodiversity Management Committees (BMC) with regard to seeds produced, sold, transferred and shared in the Panchayat to protect the farmers from spurious low quality seeds, including hazardous genetically modified seeds
1.3 Declare and ensure Genetically Modified (GM)-free villages/panchayats and State
1.4 Establish a mechanism to regulate the prices of seeds
1.5 Ensure supply of locally suitable seeds in each agro-climatic zone

Strategy 2
Implementation of organic farming policy in a phased manner

2.1 Conduct an initial assessment of the status of organic farming and farmers in the State including cultivated, certified and non-cultivated wild organic areas in the State.
2.2 Develop an action plan with an objective of converting annual crops such as grains, fruits and vegetables to organic within five years and the perennial crops with in 10 years.
2.3 Develop a clear plan of action with budgets for incorporation into the planning process of the Local Self Government Institutions for phasing in organic farming in the State.
2.4 Special thrust should be initially given to complex, diverse and risk-prone areas such as rain-fed districts, drought-prone districts, food crop producing districts and tribal districts.
2.5 All agricultural practices to be launched in the tribal belts of Kerala should compulsorily be organic.

Strategy 3
Compact Area Group approach in organic farming

3.1 Encourage the formation of organic farmers groups, especially women organic farmer groups, clubs, SHGs and cooperatives for the purpose of cultivation, input production, seed/seedlings/planting materials production, certification and marketing.
3.2 Each group should be of a minimum of five members (as stipulated under the Participatory Guarantee System of Certification)
3.3 Models such as Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council of Kerala (VFPCK), Maarappanmoola Cooperative Society, Adat Cooperative Society for paddy, GALASA, Compact Area Group approach of Kannore KVK, and Harithasree may be adopted.
3.4 Encourage Kudumbasree, Vanasamrakshana Samithi, Theera SVS, and Grama Haritha Samithi to develop organic farming enterprises

Strategy 4
Strengthen soil and ensure water conservation measures

4.1 Declare the existing sacred groves, ponds and mangroves as protected areas and ensure their conservation.
4.2 Ensure organic farming approach in all the watershed development areas and extend support including capacity building and financial assistance for soil and water conservation measures through ongoing watershed development programmes.
4.3 Integrate the various institutions presently involved in watershed management and introduce organic farming as a key component.
4.4 Adopt appropriate agronomic practices suitable to the agro-ecological conditions as well as the topographical conditions at the micro watershed level and, discourage/restrict inappropriate crops and cropping practices.
4.5 Kerala Agricultural University and other research institutions should develop suitable crop combinations and locally suitable technology, through participatory research with farmers.
4.6 Encourage landowners and part-time farmers by providing adequate financial support to utilize their lands for organic farming, if left unutilized.
4.7 Formulate legislative measures to rejuvenate and protect traditional water resources including fresh water lakes, surangas and ensure rain water conservation, restriction of bore wells, especially in dark zones and recharging of existing bore wells, open wells and ponds, and other conservation measures so as to improve the ground water table and also to conserve top soil.
4.8 Establish testing facilities for soil, water, micronutrients and microorganisms at least at the block and introduce the system of providing Soil Health Cards.
4.9 Promote bio-fencing and thus help ensure soil and water conservation, and availability of green manure and green leaf manure
4.10 Conduct training programmes for resource persons at the Local Self Government Institution level on soil and water conservation measures
4.11 Avoid use of plastics in agricultural practices. Coir and other natural fibres should be encouraged to prepare shade for nurseries and flower farming.

Strategy 5
Promote a mixed farming approach for livelihood security and ecological sustainability

5.1 Make crop–livestock (including poultry) integrated farming as part of organic farming, with women-centered ownership and management in the farmer households and groups. Emphasis may be given to Kerala’s traditional farming approach of integrated farming of dominantly coconut with cattle and poultry.
5.2 Develop bee-keeping, fisheries, duckeries and similar enterprises as part of the mixed farming programme.
5.3 Promote decentralized production of livestock feed from locally available resources, but excluding spurious ingredients such as growth promoters and hormones.
5.4 Document and popularise traditional knowledge related to animal health care.
5.5 Develop linkages between organic farmers and livestock growing farmers for exchange of manure for fodder.
5.6 Encourage mixed cropping of indigenous trees and medicinal plants through organic farming.
5.7 Promote proven and successful practices developed by farmers.
5.8 Tax relaxation shall be given to land holdings with maximum forest and wild trees.

Strategy 6
Conserve and improve agro-biodiversity and undomesticated biodiversity

6.1 Document agro-biodiversity and related traditional knowledge and practice, both cultivated and un-cultivated, in each Panchayat.
6.2 Encouragement in the form of financial support may be given for the establishment of model agro-biodiversity conservation farms.
6.3 Develop programmes for farmers to collect, purify and multiply traditional seeds.
6.4 Encourage protection of traditional agricultural systems such as Kaipad, Pokkali, Kole and Kuttanad as "agricultural heritage of Kerala"
6.5 Promote indigenous rice varieties such as navara, jeerakasala and gandhakasala and also other traditional indigenous varieties of crops.

Strategy 7
Launch a state-wide intensive campaign on organic farming in the form of a popular movement: "Jaiva Keralam"

7.1 Organise Organic Melas in all districts.
7.2 Begin state-wide awareness programmes for the promotion of organic farming focusing on the advantages of organic produce and harmful effects of chemical-based farming.
7.3 Produce handouts, publications of case studies and best practices, video films, posters and other awareness materials to reach out to all sections, especially women.
7.4 Organize workshops, seminars and exchange programmes for consumers, teachers, traders, farmers, government and semi-government officials in the related area.
7.5 Ensure the strict enforcement of the provisions of the Food Adulteration Act, 1954, and rules 1955, and bring suitable legislations to notify and enable Agriculture Officers, Veterinary Doctors and similar professionals as Inspectors under the Act and also establish quality and adulteration testing facilities at district level.
7.6 Encourage setting up of organic kitchen gardens, organic orchards in urban and rural households.

Strategy 8
Ensure availability of quality organic manure to the farmers

8.1 Encourage, with adequate support, the availability of biomass in the organic farm itself, through programmes such as crop rotation, tree crops, cover crops, leguminous crops, green manure and green leaf manure.
8.2 Provide support for cows, buffaloes, ducks, fish, poultry and goats, preferably traditional breeds, to organic farmers/groups to ensure integrated farming and the availability of farmyard manure and urine.
8.3 Required changes in the exisiting Cattle Breeding Policy may be made to ensure availability of indigenous varities of cows and buffaloes to the organic farmers.
8.4 Encourage the production of various types of compost in the farm itself, including vermi-composting and biogas slurry.
8.5 Formulate special programmes for increasing the biomass and organic manures, especially in rain-fed cultivation areas where soil depletion is high, so as to drought- proof the farm.
8.6 Encourage indigenous species of earthworms and effective microorganisms in composting.
8.7 Establish a decentralized system to produce organic manure from biodegradable organic waste segregated at source.
8.8 Ensure the quality of the organic manure and establish a centralized testing laboratory to monitor the same.
8.9 Discourage burning of all organic materials in the field, which could be utilized as manure.
8.10 Under the leadership of the "Padasekhara Samithi" and other farmer groups draw the benefits of the provisions of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme to ensure production of green leaves and extraction of silt from the rural ponds, tanks, reservoirs, streams and rivulets for augmenting the fertility of the farm lands.

Strategy 9
Ensure farm inputs for organic farming

9.1 Implement programmes for the production of seeds, seedlings and other planting materials, manure, plant protection materials at the farm with the help of agriculture department, agricultural university, at local level.
9.2 Encourage Farmers Associations/Clubs/Cooperatives/Companies of farmers, SHG’s/Youth groups at the local level to produce need-based farm inputs.
9.3 Link organic municipal solid waste segregated at source, especially from markets, hostels, densely populated areas and other institutions including night soil to farms through such means as simple and cost-effective decentralised composting, biogasification and vermi-composting and thus ensure organic matter recycling. Organic waste treatment plant should be made compulsory for the flats.
9.4 Conduct training programmes for local resource persons for producing good quality input, quality testing and for such related aspects at the Local Self Government Institution level.
9.5 Formulate legislative measures to empower the Local Self Government Institutions, reputed NGOs for ensuring quality of inputs, including necessary rules, guidelines, standards, monitoring and testing procedures, and establishment of laboratories.
9.6 Establish special financial assistance schemes, and/or link existing support schemes to groups to start production facilities for farm inputs.
9.7 Develop local linkages for low cost input materials to farmers and ensure markets for good quality input materials at reasonable price
9.8 Steps may be taken to formulate the organic farming packages developed by the Agricultural University in collaboration with organic farmers. Priority may be given for crops like banana, ginger, pineapple, vegetables, pepper, cardamom, paddy etc.
9.9 Prepare a database on the organic content of the soil in different zones of Kerala.
9.10 Ensure the quality of fruits and vegetables coming from other states.

Strategy 10
Capacity Building for farmers, implementing officers, agencies, and local self- government members

10.1 Conduct orientation, training and exposure visit programmes.
10.2 Group of 10–20 unemployed youth in each Panchayat (50% women) in the model of Kudumbasree would be designated as "Karshaka Sevakar", trained in all facets of
organic farm management supported through Local Self Government Institution programmes to assist farmers in organic farming.
10.3 Develop the existing Agro-clinics of the Department of Agriculture into Organic Farming Resource Centres and the staff should be given training on organic farming.
10.4 Create awareness on organic farming practices among the agriculture officers in the Agriculture Department.

Strategy 11
Develop Model Sustainable Organic Farms in the State

11.1 Every Local Self Government Institution would develop model organic farms in select farmers’ fields.
11.2 Research Stations in each agro-ecological zones under the KAU and other agricultural institutions should be converted to organic management systems, and thus become a field study centre for students, farmers and peoples’ representatives.
11.3 Such farming areas could be made part of the responsible tourism programme.

Strategy 12
Ensure and improve the health and well being of the tribals through special tribal agriculture programmes.

12.1 Ensure adequate nutritional food availability for tribals, whose traditional agriculture has been degraded.
12.2 Develop specific programmes for the rejuvenation of their traditional agriculture and knowledge protection.
12.3 Ensure sustainable collection of minor forest produce and facilitate the fair marketing of these produce through organic outlets.
12.4 Formulate specific schemes to provide tribal children with their traditional food at least once in a day.
12.5 Develop village (ooru) level seed banks of their traditional crops and medicinal plants.
12.6 Integrate watershed programmes, NREG etc in the rejuvenation of tribal agriculture.

Strategy 13
Establish Producer Companies promoted by organic farmers

13.1 Facilitate establishment of Organic Farmer Producer Companies or similar concerns as an organic farmers-promoted enterprise with share investment by the organic farmers and the LSGs

Strategy 14
Establish storage and transportation facilities

14.1 Establish separate and decentralized storage facilities for organic farm produce to ensure its organic integrity and help farmers in certification processes.
14.2 Provide separate local transportation facilities for organic produce to nearby domestic markets.

Strategy 15
Promote farm level processing, value addition and encourage the use of organic farm produce in food industry

15.1 Encourage farm processing by farmers groups, SHGs and Farmer Producer Companies for value addition.
15.2 Ensure value addition does not compromise organic produce quality by facilitating testing and evaluation of processes with help from KAU and other research institutions.
15.3 Encourage organic food-based industry in Kerala to procure and use organic produce in their products.
15.4 Set up food industries at manageable decentralised levels in the State with special incentive packages.

Strategy 16
Develop diverse channels for marketing of organic produce

16.1 Set up separate markets/facilities for organic produce certified by the PGS process through the existing channels of marketing of agriculture products such as the Milma, Supplyco, Horti-corp, Haritha and People’s Market.
16.2 Encourage direct marketing/linkages by farmers groups with end-user institutions such as schools, hostels, hotels, hospitals, Ayurveda centres, SHGs making food products and food-based industries in the State.
16.3 Encourage institutions such as schools, hostels, hospitals and government institutions to procure local organic produce following rules and specific guidelines.
16.4 Disallow large private retail corporations through suitable legislations.
16.5 Encourage existing vegetable, fruits and grocery vendors to promote organic products
16.6 Facilitate the establishment of organic farm produce outlets in all the districts, with the help of Governmental and Non-governmental organizations.
16.7 Ensure that the tourism industry, through the Responsible Tourism Initiative, source organic produce from local producers as much as possible for their hotels and resorts.

Strategy 17
Develop a simple certification process in the State for all organic farmers

17.1 Encourage through specific schemes the implementation of an internal control system for organic farmers’ group.
17.2 Encourage the Participatory Guarantee System of Certification for small and marginal farmers to supply to the domestic market.
17.3 NGOs accredited by the PGS Council of India should be authorised to help implement and monitor the PGS system in the State.
17.4 The State will develop an Organic Kerala Certification and a logo, and "Jaiva Keralam" shall be developed as a brand. Since each country is following different norms, crops aimed at export may go for third party certification.
17.5 Fix local standards for quality testing and certification.
17.6 Ensure that every organic farmer who is doing organic farming for three years is given the certificate free of cost.
17.7 Include organic livestock rearing (animal husbandry) in the certification system

Strategy 18
Provide financial incentives for promoting organic farming

18.1 Provide interest-free loans to organic farmers, especially small and marginal farmers. Credits linked to banks should be subsidized through Central/State Governments.
18.2 Set in place production linked incentive system supports.
18.3 Promote a revolving funds system.
18.4 Provide assistance during conversion period: two years for annual crops and three years for perennials.
18.5 Introduce a State-led insurance scheme for small and marginal organic farmers
18.6 Introduce a pension scheme for organic farmers.

Strategy 19
Encourage the use of renewable energy sources
19.1 Assistance in terms of expertise and finances should be given for use of biogas plants, solar energy and wind energy units wherever feasible to reduce dependence on external energy sources.
19.2 Develop appropriate small farm machinery for reducing energy, cost and drudgery.

Strategy 20
Introduce organic farming in education institutions

20.1 Introduce organic farming in educational institutions, prisons and juvenile homes, through academic inputs. A specific campaign shall be started among students to ensure that they consume organically grown food.
20.2 Set up a system in all schools in Kerala to have organic vegetable and fruit gardens as well as paddy, in potential regions, as part of inculcating among the children the love for organic farming and biodiversity conservation, and perpetuation in their households. Necessary support schemes may be formulated and implemented through the Local Self Government Institutions.
20.3 Encourage schools to have seed banks and seed farms in the premises, wherever feasible, to produce and supply good quality seeds for use in nearby regions.
20.4 Promote children–farmer interfaces in each school, which shall include visits to organic farms.
20.5 Encourage schools to link with organic farmers for supply of rice, vegetables, fruits, pulses, milk, egg and honey as part of the noon meal and nutritional supplement programmes. The ICDS can also be encouraged to supply organic food processed and prepared through SHGs for the Anganwadis.
20.6 Provide suitable incentives to baby-food industries that use organic inputs and processes.
20.7 Develop a curriculum for school students on organic farming.
20.8 Publicity through the Farm Information Bureau.

Strategy 21
Reorient Research, Education and Extension

21.1 The KAU would set up a special multi-institutional special task force to re-orient the Research, Education and Extension systems to support the Organic Farming Policy and the transition of the State’s agriculture to organic farming.
21.2 The KAU shall develop a package of practices and model demonstration farms for organic farming in different agro-ecological zones.
21.3 Introduce as part of the course curriculum, both at under- and post-graduate levels, interactions with leading organic farmers, groups and NGOs promoting organic farming in the state.
21.4 Develop participatory research programmes with organic farmers on all aspects of organic farming, ensuring a monthly remuneration for the farmers of the participatory research programme.
21.5 Research and inventories to recognize and document existing practices of organic farmers.
21.6 Identify and screen native livestock/fish breeds which are locally adaptable and resistant to parasites and diseases.
21.7 Develop herbal remedies for control of diseases and pests of livestock/ crops/ fish.
21.8 To institutionalise the above, an Organic Farming Research Institute (OFRI) may be set up.

Strategy 22
Phase out Chemical Pesticides and Fertilizers from the farming sector

22.1 Ensure phased restriction/ban of sale and use of chemical agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and weedicides parallel to the implementation of the organic farming policy in the region.
22.2 Through necessary legislation stop the sale and use of the highly toxic Class-1a and 1b pesticides as a preliminary step.
22.3 Declare and maintain ecologically sensitive areas with rich biodiversity and natural resource base (e.g. water bodies) as Chemical-, Pesticide-, and Fertilizer-Free Zones.
22.4 Regulate the sale and use of pesticides through necessary legislations, enforcing a prescription-based system ensuring that pesticides are sold only on a case-to-case basis after obtaining prescription from the Agriculture Officer.
22.5 Strictly prohibit the sale of pesticides to children, pregnant women and non-farmers
22.6 Generate a database on the non-agricultural use of pesticides (e.g.household, storage, food processing, construction) and regulate its sale and use.
22.7 Review and regulate promotional activities and advertisements of pesticides as per the FAO Code of Conduct and Guidelines for Pesticide Use.
22.8 Conduct periodical analysis of water, soil, milk and crops at the district level where pesticides continue to be used and the data to be made public.
22.9 Precautionary measures should be taken before using exotic organisms for biocontrol programmes.

Strategy 23
Integrate the programmes and activities of various departments, local self-governments and organizations

23.1 Integrate the various government departments, institutions, civil societies, and their schemes in a harmonious manner duly considering organic farming principles and local situations. These include government departments such as Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Forest, Fisheries, Local Bodies, Finance, Revenue, Industries, Tribal, Khadi and Village Industries, Financial Institutions, State Corparations, Department; institutions such as Kerala Agriculture University, ICAR institutions in the state; Commodity Boards for Spices, Coffee, Tea, Coconut and Rubber; APEDA, MILMA and other milk marketing societies; Farmers’ Organisations and Societies, Self Help Groups; Organic Farming Associations, and NGOs promoting organic farming

Strategy 24
Organisational set-up for promotion of organic farming

24.1 Set up an Organic Kerala Mission to implement the organic farming policy, strategy and action plan and ensure their success. Since the coordination of the various departments is vital for the some, a General Council to be chaired by the Honourable Chief Minister, and since the policy has to be implemented by the Agricultural Department, an Executive Committee to be chaired by the Honourable Minister for Agriculture will supervise and guide the functioning of the Organic Kerala Mission.

NEXT : Appendix 2 : Minerals and Minerals Productions in the Western Ghats



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