The Paitrukam of Bhaarateeya Samskaram ( The Heritage of Indian Culture ) : 1.1


Sub :The Paitrukam of Bhaarateeya Samskaram  ( The Heritage of Indian Culture ) : 
         by Swami Krishnananda

Ref : High Voltage Dynasty politics and Criminal politicians through out the Nation, destroying our Paitrukam (Heritage) of Samskaram-s (Culture )!?

Here we have to listen Swamiji what he said on this Subject :-

*Lecture series on the above was given by Swami Krishnananda during course of eight sunday evening satsangam-s in 1980.

 Here Swamiji brings to light the vision of India, which sees the totality of the various manifestations of life and visualises the One in the many, and how this has relevance in our lives today. Swamiji explores the meaning and development of culture and civilization, the role that philosophy, religion and scripture have played, and why Indian culture has remained so rich and vital through the passage of time while other cultures have perished.

Swamiji also discusses the individual's role in society and integrates this with our process of evolution towards the attainment of the Ultimate Reality. Swamiji's masterful analysis and in-depth, all-inclusive understanding, combined with his brilliant style of expression, give us a penetrating insight into this important subject and make it a delightful read.

Chapter 1: The Vision of India :- 1.

We are here to consider some of the general features of our life which direct and decide our human relationships, and consequently, the solidarity of mankind. Human relation is the primary consideration in the organisations of the world which go by the name of 'nations' or 'governments', or even lesser bodies than these.

We have come to learn through practical experience that our daily needs in life are social, and our conduct is also related to this. In academies and universities this peculiar relation among people is called 'Humanities', which is a deep subject that covers a vast range of studies into the psychology and sociology of human behaviour.

The behaviour of a person, or the conduct of a body of people, is generally known as their culture. Students of history and the humanities are acquainted with the great cultures of the world and with the behaviours of human minds through the passage of time, which are imposing and enlightening for students of anthropology as well.

When we read about the history of the cultures of the world, we seem to be reading through a drama of human activity, such as the plays of Shakespeare or Kalidasa where human conduct and a psychological manoeuvring are portrayed in such an interesting manner that they seem to touch our hearts and, incidentally, also guide us in our day-to-day affairs.

History is a great lesson for us even today. We do not study the history of mankind merely to amuse ourselves with a story of ancient times. It is an instruction to us at the present moment in regard to our own social conduct.

To be continued ..

Thank you for reading


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