Telangana chief minister K Chandrashekhar Rao met DMK leaders in Chennai and later this week, he is expected to meet the Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav and Odisha chief minister Naveen Patnaik. KCR has already held talks with Mamata Banerjee, HD Deve Gowda and Hemanth Soren in a bid to gather support for his idea of forming a non-Congress and non-BJP federal front.


Sub : -Telangana chief minister K Chandrashekhar Rao met DMK leaders in Chennai and later this week, he is expected to meet the Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav and Odisha chief minister Naveen Patnaik. KCR has already held talks with Mamata Banerjee, HD Deve Gowda and Hemanth Soren in a bid to gather support for his idea of forming a non-Congress and non-BJP federal front.

Ref : KCR meets DMK leaders, set to meet other regional leaders: Eight points for federal front to consider :- First Post, K Nageshwar

But, eight questions stare these attempts to form such a front of mainly regional parties in the face:

First, to what extent are these parties consistent on their opposition to the Congress and BJP? Most of these parties were formed as part of governments led by either the Congress or BJP. How can they convince people of their sincerity in opposing these two national parties? Even today, the Janata Dal (S) is not averse to joining either of the two national parties based on who would offer HD Kumaraswamy the chief minister's seat. The DMK is still part of the Congress-led UPA and even the TMC and SP are not opposed to joining hands with Congress. Can such a combination of pusillanimous regional parties provide any credible alternative to both the Congress and BJP?

*K Chandrasekhar Rao dines with members of the DMK. News18K

Second, all the regional parties and the smaller parties put together hardly account for half of the seats in the Lok Sabha. With some minor changes, this picture is unlikely to change even in 2019. Given the contradictions within these parties, can it be possible to form a national coalition government post-2019 without the support or leadership of either of the national parties?

Third, these regional parties have internecine differences due to inter-regional disputes. Can JD(S) and DMK agree on sharing Cauvery waters. Similarly, the TRS and TDP do not have a common position on a host of issues confronting the two Telugu states. The CPM that could be one of a credible non-Congress and non-BJP platform cannot join hands with the TMC. The Biju Janata Dal that rules Odisha and the TDP disagree on the Polavaram project. How can a front of regional parties reconcile such interstate disputes and differences that are emotive for all the regional players?

Naveen urges Naidu to stop construction of Polavaram project
Fourth, KCR states that the federal front is not just stitching together a few political parties with a view to coming to power. But, he calls it an attempt to bring about a radical change in the lives of people through alternative policies and programmes. But, none of these governments led by regional parties have displayed any radically different policy dispensation in their own states. The social and economic policies of these regional parties are in no way different that that of the national parties. Given such incrementalism in the approaches of national and regional parties, radically different policies cannot be expected from a government led by a federal front, making the entire exercise unworthy of its intentions.

Naveen urges Naidu to stop construction of Polavaram project
Fifth, any party that wishes to rule the nation should have a perspective on the issues confronting the nation and the world whether one agrees or disagrees with such a perspective. But, regional parties have a tendency to stay aloof from national concerns. They often respond only to issues confronting their respective states. How can parties that lack a national vision of their own form a national coalition government?

Sixth, there are too many prime ministerial aspirants within the regional political spectrum. Mamata, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Deve Gowda, and even Chandrababu Naidu and now KCR would love to compete for the top political post. Can it be possible for these leaders to arrive at an enduring consensus on forming a government under a stable leadership?

Seventh, the state-specific political reality does not always present a contest between a national party and a regional party. States like Tamil Naidu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, etc primarily have contests between two regional parties only. Only one of them can join such a proposed federal front. Thus, such a front fails to represent entire regional aspirations. The DMK and AIADMK cannot be part of any single national coalition. Similarly, the TDP and the YSR Congress cannot be part of same national coalition.

Eight, new regional players are entering the political fray making the regional political spectrum much more fragmented. The formation of new parties led by Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan, and the birth of the Telangana Jana Samithi, the Jana Sena etc are a few such illustrations. This trend goes unabated making all encompassing regional federation of political parties almost impossible.


However in 2019 if BJP has to win it should be by positive votes based on its own performance. The performance so far has been exemplary. Be it PMJDY which has entered Guinness Book of World Records or MUDRA BANK wherein loans are disbursed from Rs 50000 to ten lakhs for new or existing entrepreneurs which attained a progress of 109% are impeccable . The Start up India, Stand up India, MAKE IN india, Skill india have made a mark and the benefit has started accruing. The free gas connection to below poverty line has been well received by the public. Under the Swatch Bharath Scheme more than a crore toilets have been constructed and open defecation in many villages has become a thing of the past.

Under Deen Dayal Jyothirgram Yojana, rural electrification has been taken up and already 10000 villages are covered and another 8000 need to be covered to make India completely electrified. The Digital India scheme under which entire India is going to be digitized is taken up under war footing will complete it's mission by 2019. The health scheme for the poor, crop insurance scheme for farmers under, Integrated Rural Development Scheme etc., will only take the country to new highs of development

The solar powered train and with bio toilets are the unique achievements of the Railways. If the bullet train and fast trains are implemented fast it will create history.

The evacuation of nearly 7000 stranded passengers in the strife torn state of Kuwait within a short period has gone into Guinness Book of World Records. Further the evacuation in strife torn Yemen, Syria, Libya etc., only added to his feather. Recently when 500 Indians complained about their inability feed themselves because of their retrenchment, Modi talked to his counterpart in Saudi Arabia to get their salaries and also food supplies and senior ministers and officials to Saudi were airlifted. His concern and immediate help is appreciated by every one. The release of the abducted Christian Priest and an NGO by terrorists in Afghanistan by the Government of India is a case in point.

 India evacuates nationals of 26 countries in Yemen, emerges as hero ...

The Government is silently working and it's implication is visible to see. Some look into it with jaundiced eyes who certainly cannot be convinced. The people at large have already recognized the progress achieved that too in a very short period of two years. If the progress continues at this rate till 2019 no doubt that this Government will get elected. Modi will take the mantle of leadership once again.


Thank you for reading


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