GURU-BHAKTI-YOGAM. Ch : 8. A-7- 70 to 77. Ref- Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents Teachers supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, Student political wings of certain undesired political parties such as Communists, Congress etc., and supported by department of education of States of Bharatham and defame this holy country by hook or crook!


All Members,
         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.

* Initially, Parents are responsible for the character of Children !

            ** Next,  Educational institutions, and Teachers are responsible !!

            ***Next, Society is responsible ( TV, MOVIES, etc., )

            **** Overall, State and Central Governments are responsible !!!

            ***** Politics & Political parties have no roll and  should be avoided!!!!

Swami Sivananda.

Chapter VIII


 A-7. In the Foot-Steps of the Guru - 70 to 77.

70. He who takes refuge at the feet of Divine Master will overcome all the obstacles on the spiritual path by his Grace. 

71. The best seclusion for meditation is Guru’s abode. 

72. Seclusion will not be seclusion if Guru is not dwelling with his disciple. Seclusion becomes the abode of lust and Tamas. 

73. Service of Guru from beginning to end becomes the sweet honey to the disciple who has real devotion to his Guru. 

74. He is the blessed soul who drinks the nectar which flows from the holy lips of his Guru. 

75. He will have no thoughts of the world who serves his Guru untiringly with full of Bhav. He is the most blessed soul on earth. 

76. Serve, Serve, Serve your Guru. This is the royal way to cultivate Guru-Bhakti. 

77. Guru is Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute. 

Next : A . CARDINAL NOTES ON GURU-BHAKTI  :-8 - 78 to 85.

To be continued ..

Thank you for reading


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