Ancient Culture ( Samskaram ) of India ( Bharatham ) - 7. Swami Krishnananda.



1.#Opinion : Monday, June 20, 2022. 06:00. 2766.

2.#Chapter 6: Similarities between the Ramayanam and Mahabharatam -7.


But people who are more sober in their minds and who are having greater insight into the problems of human existence and the human psyche have come to the conclusion that neither of these points of view can be considered as solely correct. It is not true that the individual is totally independent of the state, and it is also not true that the state is independent of the individual. There is a harmonious relation between the two aspects of their existence: the individual and the collective. This question is poignantly brought before us both in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata: Who is right and who is wrong?

Sri Krishna raised this point in one context when he said to Duryodhana, “Did you not deliberately harm the Pandavas by trickery?”

Duryodhana's retort to Sri Krishna was, “What mistake have I committed? It was a royal game. It was a give-and-take policy of actual dice playing, and as a king Yudhisthira deliberately, voluntarily took up this game of dice, and he lost. What is my mistake? Why are you finding fault with me?”

But Sri Krishna said, “There was adharma at the back of this game of dice. The intention was wrong. Your intention was not to merely play dice; your intention was to destroy the Pandavas. A trick was played. A king has to play with a king, but who played with Yudhisthira? Shakuni played. Shakuni is not a king. Where is the justice? Unequals cannot play dice.”

Yudhisthira ought to have known this, but some weakness of his mind did not permit him to know that he was playing a game of dice with an unequal. Actually, Duryodhana ought to have played. He was a king, and a king plays with a king. Duryodhana did not know the art of dice so he tricked Yudhisthira by putting forth Shakuni. Bewilderment caught hold of the mind of Yudhisthira, and he let himself into the quandary of playing with an unequal, which was a royal injustice done to him.

Krishna pointed this out by saying, “Don't tell me that Yudhisthira lost the kingdom of his own will. There was trickery at the back.”

Similar was Lakshmana's retort to Rama: “Brother, you do not understand truth properly. There is injustice at the back of this. Cunning is being played by Manthara on the one side and by Kaikeyi on the other side, and Dasharatha, the old man, does not know what he is saying. He made a promise, yes, but who asked him to make a promise? Even when promises are made, one must be capable of knowing what are the consequences.”

Promises may be dangerous, especially when they are not rationally conceived. Emotionally projected promises do not generally yield results in an expected way, and the weakness of human nature always has something to say in spite of the part that is played by dharma, justice and law. Does human nature not interfere even in judicature many a time? There is a justice in the court. The judge is a human being, the clients are human beings, and the advocates are human beings. Now, who is to judge whom? How can a judge, who is a human being like any other person, pass an impartial judgment on another person, who is also like himself?

To be continued ....



#It happens because you are a part and parcel of the world, both from the point of view of nature and of society.

#The physical body is constituted of five elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether. In that sense, you are a part of nature.

#Nature is constituted of five elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether.





Decoding Dharma :

(1) sanatana dharma, that is, the eternal responsibility to be happiness, through the process of

(2) self-development, which in turn comes by

(3) studying discipline.








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