#Ancient Culture ( Samskaram ) of Bharatham-4.8. : Swami Krishnananda.

# OPINION : Tuesday, September 01,  2020. 07:30. AM. - 2234.
#Chapter- 4.The Fourfold Aim of Existence and How to Achieve It-8.

You want to know what is moksha. It is the delving into the state of this universality of consciousness, which is the nature of everyone. Inasmuch as universal consciousness can be only one, there cannot be many universal consciousnesses in the case of different people. It does not mean that when you are fast asleep you enter into the universal consciousness different from the universal consciousness into which another person is entering into in the state of deep sleep. We are all bathed in the ocean and sinking into a single sleep. The ocean is one only for all the waves. Millions of people may be fast asleep, but it does not mean that they are all entering into different kinds of universality. All the waves sink into the same sea of this universal existence.

We are not aware of it. We are bound by the physical body and conditioned by the mental vrittis or operations, totally unaware of there being such a thing inside us or outside us or everywhere, which is the absolute universality in us. If that state of universality can be directly experienced, you will be omnipresent. Universality means existing everywhere at the same time. Now you are in Rishikesh. A person who is in Rishikesh cannot be in Delhi at the same time. There is limitation by location and limitation by duration of time caused by the existence of space and time. All this limitation is overcome in the state of pure awareness, which is consciousness. Attainment of it, or experience of it, is called moksha.

Now, all this description about the nature of moksha became necessary in order to understand what the law and order is, which regulates your artha and kama requirements. Law and order in life, dharma, as it is called, is the way in which universal existence operates in all particulars. There are many particulars in the world. Many individuals are there which are of various types. All these individuals are conditioned by one law, namely, the universality to which they belong, of which they are a part, and from which they are inseparable. So whenever you conduct yourself in life, behave in some way, you have to see that it is in consonance with the universality which is the aspiration of all people. You cannot contend with others. There cannot be exploitation, there cannot be competition, there cannot be hatred, there cannot be ill will. Nothing negative is possible here in this state where universal existence is the common aspiration of all people. This is to mention to you briefly what moksha is.

To be continued ...



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